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Catholic Apologetics Blog

Pornography: A True Lie

Warning: The content in this post is not necessarily suitable for young readers. It contains graphic imagery and involves real events and...

Catholic Heresies: Reincarnation

Over the past several decades, the Catholic Church has been very stern in its warning with regard to “New Age” ideas and concepts. One...

Catholic Duty - Part II: The Practice of the Faith

Catholics are no strangers to rules and guidelines with regard to faith and morality. In a manner of speaking, it is the strictness and...

Catholic Duty - Part I: The Precepts Of The Church

When I go to mass, I go in as a sinner. I still remove my hat, I still mark myself with holy water, and I still genuflect to Our Lord...

Lenten Principals: A Healthy Pride

Last night, I had the opportunity to share a meal with some family to honor a friend, a beautiful 90 year old person, who was visiting...

Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

It seems that there are Catholic organizations, large and small, who have been at each other’s throats. Although it isn’t a recent issue,...

Lent: An Opportunity To Suffer Well

Well, here we are, day three of the Lenten journey. Just a couple of days ago, we kicked off the season with Ash Wednesday; and I’m sure...

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